Friday, January 18, 2008


In Papua, animals in this area has separate keunikan. Birds of parade is one of bird type which some its(the scientific names means ' from heaven', ' grand', ' respects', and ' very good'.
He also is conceived of foot/feet houri do not or Apoda, in language Latin birds of parade described as to be big ( paradisaea apoda). a real Beautiful bird but having no foot/feet is believe do not come from earth because they are walking or perching in tree.
Three puluh type cendrawasih there is in Indonesia, 28 among others is found in Papua which is residence cendrawasih berpial paradigalla carunculata, cendrawasih length tail astrapia nigra, cendrawasih paratia parotia sefilata, cendrawasih Wilson cicinnurus respublica, and red cendrawasih of paradiasea rubra.
There is also variance of differ from cendrawasih which its(the distribution limited to in Papua and Nugini, that is cendrawasih ragiana, cendrawasih superb, cendrawasih magnificent, cendrawasih ' twelve strand of metals', cendrawasih king and blue cendrawasih of Nugini.