Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Around 3,5 bilion years ago, Bacterium perhaps mortal which is first emerges in other earth and primitive organism. eldest Fossil successfully is found is bacterium having age 3,5 bilion years. First animal is in the form of organism of one cells living in in sea. Animals which cannot be seen this eye swims by moving tail looking like whip.
Most all animals that is is spiny not has been formed by the end of period Cambrian, around 500 million years ago. All animals still living in ocean. Of a kind cockle so-called trilobita creeps in ocean base, this animal in development hereinafter becomes insect, crab, prawn, and spider.
Spiny animal started grows. This animal has bone residing in in its(the body, lighter bone compared to animal cochlea is not spiny. Besides this animal can be make a move more (be) free, and this animal can grow to become big because its(the bone is also grow.

Most all animals that is is spiny not has been formed by the end of period Cambrian, around 500 million years ago. All animals still living in ocean. Of a kind cockle so-called trilobita creeps in ocean base, this animal in development hereinafter becomes insect, crab, prawn, and spider.
Fish is having fin very ear precise for having experiment with life in continent. They is life in [shallow/ superficial] pool and develops sack;bag looking like lung. Its(the strong fin enables it to crawl in pool base or to the above of continent in short-haul.
First spiny animal living in continent is amphibious, becoming frog ancestor and salamander. They emerge comes near period end Devonian. Amphibious firstly has head and tail like fish, has short foot/feet replacing fin and thick skin taking care of body from dryness. They can live in continent in the duration of old, and back to water to lay eggs.

First Reptil is mahkluk looking like salamander growing around 330 million years ago, comes near period end Mississippian. Reptil is growing from amphibious animal and its form looking like amphibious. Important advantage as reptil be the ability to lay eggs in continent.
Climate in earth grows to become drier and warmer during Periode Permian, what started around 290 million years ago. A lot of ocean base becoming drought, and desert unfolds wide. Reptil becomes dominant animal at Era Mesozoic is strarting around 240 million years ago. They predominate continent, ocean and air during 177 million years along the length of Era and called as Abad Reptil.
Dinosaur is reptil which very spectacular. Some Dinosaurs is the biggest animal which lived in continent, smallest measure is seukuran chick. Totally disappeared they were all by the end of Era Mesozoic, but small reptil like crocodile, salamander, snake, and tortoise can stay is finite the existingness.
Pterosaur is reptil flies is first mastering air. Fairish something smaller than sparrow, and also there is fairish of giant with wing wide 8 metre. This animal doesn't have fur, but it is possible that they have hair above skin membrane forming wing.
Invertebrate still always grows during Mesozoic. Some mollusc types grows in ocean, they is snail ancestor, cockle, and cuttle. Lobster, prawn, and crab also grows at ocean Mesozoic. Group of the insect in present era has emerged in era end Mesozoic.
Ancestor some modern animals emerged in the beginning of Era Cenozoic. Their measure are smaller, First horse of Eohippus and first camel of Protylopus has measure equal to fox. Miacis dog ancestor, cat, bear, and wolf equal to fox. Moeritherium fairish elephant ancestor equal to pig and has not owned trunk and ivory. Member of monkey family also emerges in the beginning of a period of Cenozoic, also first pengerat animal becoming mouse ancestor, squirrel, and beaver.