Saturday, February 23, 2008


Crocodile supit equal to water crocodile. Water crocodile is one of ferocious crocodile. Usually life in freshwater lakes.


Estuary crocodile or crocodile bekatak ( Crocodylus porosus) be conspecific of crocodile most off all alife in rivers and on the sea near by estuary. Its(the spreading area is detectable in all Indonesia water territory. This species snout enough wides and haves no wide scale at its(the nape. Medium of body length is including tail can be reach 12 metre like the one have ever been found in Sangatta, Kalimantan Timur.
Estuary crocodile known as the biggest crocodile in world, far bigger than Buaya Nil ( Crocodylus niloticus) and Alligator Amerika ( Alligator mississipiensis). Its(the spreading is also " wide" in world; estuary crocodile has region perantauan to start from water territory Teluk Benggala ( Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India) finite of water territory Polinesia ( Archipelago of Fiji and Vanuatu). While favorite habitat for them of course water territory of Indonesia and Australian.
Estuary crocodile can whip out of water to groan its(the prey. Even when depth of water exceeds its(the body length, estuary crocodile can jump and pounces on vertically reachs the same height with its(the body length. Estuary crocodile likes water payau/asin, on that account also Australian nation names it saltwater crocodile ( and the biggest asin)Selain water crocodile is longest, Famous estuary Crocodile also as Jenis crocodile is raised hell in world.


Crocodile is reptil is having body is big living in water. Scientifically, crocodile covers all tribesman species Crocodylidae, including also fish crocodile ( Tomistoma schlegelii). Still this name earns also is worn loosely to call ‘ crocodile ' alligator, kaiman and gavial; namely different crocodile consanquinitys of tribe.
Crocodile generally dwells water territory habitat to bargain like river, lake, other bog and wetland, but there is also life in brackish water like estuary crocodile. Main food of crocodile is spiny animals like nation of fish, reptil and mammal, sometimes also preys mollusc and krustasea to base on its(the species. Crocodile is ancient animal, only a few changed because evolution semenjak dinosaur epoch.
Recognized also some local names to call crocodile, like for example buhaya ( Sunda.); baya or bajul ( Jw.; bicokok ( Betawi.), bekatak, or frog crocodile to call crocodile is having body small of fat; senyulong, crocodile jolong-jolong ( Malay.), or crocodile julung-julung to call fish crocodile; screw pine crocodile, namely crocodile having colour greenness; copper crocodile, rust colored

Sunday, February 17, 2008


This big tortoise comes from Pulau Isabela in Lautan Pasifik. Island Isabela is including archipelago Galapagos, 965,4 kilometre in westside from Ekuador, Amerika Selatan.
this famous dome-shaped Reptil as the heaviest bloodless creature in world. Male tortoise something wt. to 272 kgs. Female tortoise weight of course seldom more than 136 kgs. This creature age can reach 150 years.
Tortoise Galapagos likes easy going life. Every day s(he is sleep about 16 hours. He is similar beats 7 or 8 morning, then suns below(under the sun dua-tiga hour(clock the duration, until its(the big body of that felt warmness. At rest of time that day s(he possibly moved some just metre to look for food.
This multifarious giant creature food kinds and rather odd. He battens thorny nettle and pear. Like reptil Mona Iguana, s(he likes dangerous poisonous fruits for man.
This tortoise sleep beats 4 or 5 evening. So that its(the body remain to be warm along the length of night, s(he countersinks semi its(the body in mud. The mud also protects it from mosquito attack. The day after mud that is is sticking at its(the body running dry and protects it from small fleas attack liking menyelusup into its(the skin gaps.
If small fleas decamps into its(the long tungkai and wrinkles, to its(the head or foot/feet, s(he is enough sticking out part of the body and lets bird kutilang to peck the fleas pot is clean. God arranges animal creatures in such a manner so that they earn is each other help.
Around 5 hour(clock the duration female tortoise which will lay eggs digs, measures and forms one holes. Then during more or less 20 minutes, s(he lays eggs 17 item. Having brooding on the eggs, the mains re-arranges situation of its(the eggs in athwart formation in hole base. Then s(he arranges in layers the eggs top with mud that the eggs not chilled between two lights and not heat day time. The eggs hatchs strarting from 3 until 8 month of then, depends on to situation of air temperature.
During one to five days, tortoise baby wrestles breaks its(the eggshell. Then the baby must scrape its(the mud den which has ossified to be able to go out. Generally tortoise baby successfully exit after a few weeks, but cannot be awaiting berminggu-minggu to get its(the food. So what make tortoise baby doesn't die hunger? God creates one yolk sacs that is is sticking at the tortoise baby stomach. The yolk sac provides food for tortoise baby during 7 month of when needed. After successfully exit, tortoise baby free gallivantes like mini bull dozer which wt. around 1 ounce.


In Isle Kariben life one big salamander types. Sees seemingly, arises estimation that we are dealing with one mystique creatures in ancient Egypt painting. This salamander named Mona Iguana by name its(the provenance, namely small Pulau Mona is in the form of chickpea. Island Mona located in between Puerto Rico and Republik Dominika.
stubby Mona Iguana Salamander Foot/Feet, so also its tail very short. Its(the body is wizened big. Head of his(its is big, closed over by big benjolan-benjolan. a horn of rhino perching in its(the snout making it seems to be be savage Iurid and.
Although this creature seems to be be savage, s(he actually not dangerous for man and or for other animal creatures. Mona Iguana is flora eater. One of its(the hobby food is fruit of manchineel. The fruit can result sudden disease, even death for man who is eating it. Mona Iguana is not must eat every day.
Around 95 percentage of its(the day time, Mona Iguana rests in soil;land;ground. Resides in subterranean to protect this salamander from contention with enemy, looks after stability of its(the body temperature, economizes dilution in its(the body, and economizes its(the energy.


In Island Komodo, Indonesia, life one the biggest salamander types in world, namely Komodo. Darling, only around a thousand tails komodo which above the ground present.
Komodo alike fragons at middle ages epoch painting. The only thing differentiating Komodo from fragon, is Komodo doesn't give off flame from its(the nostril like fragon in drawing that.
black Komodo Skin gleams.. long Komodo Claws and sharply. Head of his(its like like steel. Its(the tongue is long and blade, alike snake tongue.
Komodo can spring up along the length of approximant 3 metre and wt. about 136 kgs. They like dines carcass, like deer, forest pig, goat and buffalo. Komodo slowgoing peripatetic adult in land, small Komodo moved mobile, nimble like monkey. That way nimble his(its, clever small Komodo climbs tree. A lot we has not knows about habit of life Komodo, so that many as for this creatures still be big mystery.