Sunday, February 17, 2008


In Isle Kariben life one big salamander types. Sees seemingly, arises estimation that we are dealing with one mystique creatures in ancient Egypt painting. This salamander named Mona Iguana by name its(the provenance, namely small Pulau Mona is in the form of chickpea. Island Mona located in between Puerto Rico and Republik Dominika.
stubby Mona Iguana Salamander Foot/Feet, so also its tail very short. Its(the body is wizened big. Head of his(its is big, closed over by big benjolan-benjolan. a horn of rhino perching in its(the snout making it seems to be be savage Iurid and.
Although this creature seems to be be savage, s(he actually not dangerous for man and or for other animal creatures. Mona Iguana is flora eater. One of its(the hobby food is fruit of manchineel. The fruit can result sudden disease, even death for man who is eating it. Mona Iguana is not must eat every day.
Around 95 percentage of its(the day time, Mona Iguana rests in soil;land;ground. Resides in subterranean to protect this salamander from contention with enemy, looks after stability of its(the body temperature, economizes dilution in its(the body, and economizes its(the energy.