Thursday, March 27, 2008


The snake birang was a kind of pretty snake. His colour was brownish with 3-4 pairs of the black line memanjang, that was highest thickest. The orange or cherry red tape metallic went exact on his backbone (vertebrae) as far as the tail, that was the typical characteristics of this snake.
Likewise the pattern coreng symmetrical blackness on his head, that became the sign of most Oligodon clans. The low side of the white body on the side front (anterior) and reddish until pink under the tail. It was long that the body through to around 70cm. The dorsal scale (the back) was compiled in 17 rows. The scale ventral (the stomach) totalled 155-197, the single anal scale, and the scale subkaudal between 43-61 pairs. The scale of the upper lip (supralabial) 6 pairs, that were 3rd and 4th touched the eyes. Often was met in the forest territory, the garden or the garden, most small snakes were active tonight (nocturnal). We often met him was crossing the warm paved road tonight. The snake birang including domesticated, did not like biting if being caught or held carefully. When being disturbed, he dismissed a kind of smell was not glad from his tail starting point. Occasionally to avoid the disturbance, this snake hid his head under his body that coiled.
The snake birang spread in the Malaya Peninsula, Singapore, Sumatra, Nias, Bangka, Belitung, Kepulauan Riau, Java, Kalimantan (including Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei) and Sulawesi.
The possibility was also received in the Philippines.