Thursday, March 13, 2008


Sanca the flower was a kind of snake was not venomous that was measuring big. The measurement terbesar him was said could exceed 10 metre. Longer than anako you (Eunectes), the most big and longest snake in South America. The other names were the snake sanca; the paddy-field snake. The family sanca (Pythonidae) relative was easy to be distinguished from other snakes by seeing his dorsal scales that more than 45 rows, and the scales ventral him that was narrower than wide the low side of his body. In Indonesia west, there were his five species: three species bertubuh fat short namely the snake group peraca in Sumatra, Kalimantan and the Malaya Peninsula. Sanca the flower had the pattern of big circles of having the shape of the net (reticula, the net), was compiled from black, brownish, yellow and white colours all along the dorsal side of his body.
One black line thin went on the head from the snout to tengkuk, resembled the diameter that bisected right left the head symmetrically. And respectively one other thicker black line was in each side of the head, beyond the eyes behind. The dorsal scales (the back) was compiled in 70-80 rows; the scales ventral (the stomach) totalling 297-332, from under the neck as far as the anus; the scale subkaudal (the low side of the tail) 75-102 pairs. The shield rostral (the scale on the end of the snout) and four shields supralabial (the scales on the upper lip) foremost had the hole hollow penghidu the heat (heat the censor pits) that in. Sanca the flower lived in the humid tropical forests. This snake depended on the availability of water, so as often was met was not far from the water body like the river, the pond and the swamp. Food especially is the small mammal, birds and other reptiles like the monitor lizard.