Sunday, April 13, 2008


Coelacanth (meaning that the "hollow thorn", from Greek words coelia, referred to his fins thorn that was hollow). Coelacanth has it was estimated been extinct since the end of the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, until a specimen were found in east South Africa, in Chalumna river waters in 1938. Since then Coelacanth had been found in Comoros, island waters Manado Tua in Sulawesi, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar and the marine park St. Lucia in South Africa. In Indonesia, especially around Manado, North Sulawesi, this species by the local community was named the king's fish of sea. Coelacanth consisted of approximately 120 species that it was known were based on the discovery of the fossil. Till 1938, the fish that was allied close to this fish of the lungs it was considered was extinct since the Kretaseus Period end, around 65 million years that set. The search for the location of the ancient fish residence during teenage following afterwards got Comoran archipelagic waters in the Indian Ocean next west as his habitat, where some hundred the individual it was estimated lived in the depth of sea more than 150 m..Outside the island, up until the year 1990an several individuals were also arrested in Mozambique waters, Madagascar, but also South Africa. However all of them were still being regarded as part of the population that was much the same.