Thursday, April 17, 2008


Mujair was a kind of consumption fish of the fresh water. The natural spreading of this fish was African waters and in Indonesia the first time being found by Mr Mujair in the estuary of the Serang River the south Blitar coast, East Java during 1939. His scientific name was Oreochromis mossambicus, and in English was known as Mozambique tilapia, or sometimes not exactly was acknowledged as "Java tilapia". The measuring fish was, long the total maximum that could be achieved by the fish mujair was around 40 cm. The form of his body was flat with the black, greyish, brownish or yellow colour. His back fins (dorsal) had 15-17 thorns (sharply) and 10-13 fingers (the thorn had a soft point); and anus fins (anal) with 3 thorns and 9-12 fingers. The fish mujair had tolerance that was big towards the salinity (the salinity), so as to be able to live in brackish water. This fish it was considered invasif and caused various new problems in waters that were visited by him, as in the case of in Singapore, and in Kalifornia south, the United States. Did not escape also was various reservoirs and lakes in Indonesia that was 'planted by' this' fish, like for example the Lindu Lake in Central Sulawesi.