Saturday, April 19, 2008
Posted by jenk dy at 6:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Posted by jenk dy at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 11:11 AM 0 comments
The FISH A Pat
Posted by jenk dy at 10:57 AM 0 comments
The Paedocypris FISH progenetica
Posted by jenk dy at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Koi (the Tionghoa language and Japanese: Romaji: koi) was the Cyprinus kind of the carp fish carpio that was maintained to decorate the house, came from Tiongkok and often was spread in Japan. They were allied close to the fish Mas, and because that of many people mentioned him the fish Mas koi actual was misnomer. Koi it was considered brought luck.
Posted by jenk dy at 1:15 AM 0 comments
The carp FISH OR the FISH Mas
Posted by jenk dy at 1:11 AM 0 comments
The cork fish was a kind of wild fish that lived in the fresh water. This fish was known with many names in various areas: aruan, haruan (Mly.,Bjn), kocolan (By The Way.), bogo (the Primary School.), bayong, bogo, licingan (Bms.), cursed (Jw.), et cetera. In English also was mentioned with various names like common snakehead, snakehead murrel, chevron snakehead, striped snakehead but also aruan. His scientific name was Channa striata. The land fish that was big enough, could grow through to reached long 1 m..The head is big rather flat was similar to the head of the snake (so as was named snakehead), with the big scales on the head. The round body gilig memanjang, like the guided missile. Back fins memanjang and tail fins became round on the end. The side on the body -- from the head as far as the tail -- was dark, black brownish or greenness. The low side of the white body, began the chin behind. The side samping note down thick (striata, note down) that was rather hazy. This colour often resembled the surrounding environment. The big mouth, with big and sharp teeth. The normal cork fish was found in the lake, the swamp, the river, and water channels as far as paddy-fields. This fish preyed on various very small fish, insects, and various other water animals including the tadpole and the frog. Often the cork fish was carried the flood to ditches, If the paddy-field, the pond or the ditch dried up, this fish will bury itself in mud until the place again was juicy. The cork fish had the breathing capacity direct from air, by using a kind of labyrinth organ (like to the fish lele or the etching) but more primitive. The cork fish spread the area beginning with Pakistan in the west, Nepal the southern part, most territories in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Tiongkok the southern part, and most territories in South-East Asia including Indonesia the western part.
Posted by jenk dy at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Posted by jenk dy at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Barakuda was the fish in the Actinopterygii class that was known to be concrete menyeramkan and measured the big body, that is until long six foot and wide one foot. [2] That's body was long and was covered by the soft scale. This fish could be found in the tropical and subtropical ocean all over the world. Barakuda was the Sphyraena genus member, the only genus in the family Sphyraenidae. His species in part: Barakuda shark fins, Sphyraena acutipinnis Day Barakuda Guinea, Sphyraena afra Peters Barakuda the Pacific, Sphyraena argentea Girard.
Posted by jenk dy at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 10:20 AM 0 comments
1. The Asian elephant (previously was known by the name of the Indian Elephant)
2. The Afrika elephant
The period of elephant pregnancy was 22 months, oldest was compared by the other land animal. Seriously the elephant calf generally 120 kilogram. An elephant could live for 70 years. The African elephant was the biggest land animal in the world. As long as 55 million years were received 500 species of the elephant that was known and only two species that still were that is the Asian Elephant and the African Elephant. The species of the Asian Elephant and the African Elephant the beginning broke into pieces approximately two million years beforehand. The Asian elephant was different than the African Elephant. The Asian elephant had ears was somewhat smaller than the African Elephant, had the level forehead, and two bonggol in his head was the highest peak of the elephant, compared with the African Elephant that had just one bonggol on the head. Moreover, the tip belalai the Asian Elephant only had 1 lip, now the African Elephant had 2 lips on the end belalai. The two African Elephant genders had temporary tusks of only Asian elephants male that had clear tusks appeared.
Posted by jenk dy at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Like the other Leopard, the Kumbang Tiger measuring big, and had indra the sight and penciuman that was sharp. This sub-species generally has the hair as the colour of the black beetle wings shone, with dark spots have the shape of kembangan that only was seen under the clear light. The black hair of the Kumbang Tiger possibly was results of the evolution in adapting to the luxuriant and dark forest habitat. The Kumbang tiger was the only big cat that still was remaining in the Javanese Island. This sub-species if being crossed with the normal Leopard, had the tiger cub that was like his two mothers, yellow spotted or black. Most Kumbang Tiger populations could be found in the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park. Be based on from the loss, the wild capture, as well as the area and the population of the forest habitat where this animal was found very limited, the Kumbang Tiger dievaluasikan as being threatened by Punah.
Posted by jenk dy at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The rhinoceros bercula-one small (Rhinoceros sondaicus) was the family's member Rhinocerotidae and one from five rhinoceri that still were available. This rhinoceros entered the genus that was the same as the Indian rhinoceros and had skin that resembled armour.
Posted by jenk dy at 5:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The snake of the sea carcass was a kind of dangerous venomous snake. Had the Trimeresurus scientific name albolabris, this snake was also known by the name of other like oray bungka, oray majapait, ula stiff-sea or ula gadung luwuk (Jw.), tarihu (Dompu), et cetera. In English was mentioned by the name of white-lipped tree viper, white-lipped pit-viper or bamboo pit-viper. This snake also was named the green snake because of the colour of his body. However this naming could lead astray, because of enough coloured kinds of the tree snake green, as in the case of the sprout snake (Ahaetulla spp.) and the squirrel snake (Gonyosoma oxycephalum) that was not dangerous. The snake that was the size, rather fat short and was not so agile.
Posted by jenk dy at 11:26 AM 0 comments
The cobra or that also was known by the name of the cobra to be a kind of venomous snake from the Elapidae ethnic group. Acknowledged as the cobra (Jw., ula irus) because this snake could maintain and flattened his neck if felt was disturbed by his enemy. The neck that memipih and buckled that was similar the form of the spoon or irus (the vegetables spoon). The cobra term was in Indonesian taken from English, cobra, that actually also was the loan from the Portugis language. In the last language, cobra was the public's term for the snake, that was unloaded from the Latin language colobra (coluber, colubra), that also meant the snake. When the Portugis seamen in the 16th age arrived in Africa and South Asia, they named the cobra that was found by them there with the term cobra-capelo, the snake bertudung. From this name developing terms that were similar in Spanish, France, England et cetera the European language. The cobra usually berhabitat the tropical area and the desert in Asia and Africa.
Posted by jenk dy at 10:48 AM 0 comments
The snake kisik was a kind of snake from the Colubridae ethnic group. In the Javanese language this snake was known as ula lare-angon (the snake of the shepherd's child) because this omesticated snake normally becomes the game of the shepherd's children in Central Java. His name in English was striped keelback, referred to lines memanjang and the form of the scales of his back that berlunas (keeled). His scientific name was Xenochrophis vittatus. The snake kisik generally bertubuh small slender. It was long that the maximal body reached 70 cm, but generally only around 50 cm. His tail around a quarter of all long his body. The snake kisik was the land snake that lived off waters. He occupied plain rainforests as far as the low mountainous forest until the height around 1200 m. dpl., as well as the agricultural environment and the settlement around it. The snake kisik especially liking the environment close to the river, saliran, the swamp, the paddy-field and the pond, where this snake could swim well. The snake kisik limited spread in Sumatra. We Island and Bangka and Java. Introduced to Singapore.
Posted by jenk dy at 10:35 AM 0 comments
The snake picung was a kind of snake from the Colubridae ethnic group. This name came from his call in the Sundanese language, oray picung, referred in the red colour in tengkuk him that reminded the person of the colour picung (Pangium edule).
Posted by jenk dy at 10:17 AM 0 comments
The offal snake was a kind of snake that was not venomous. His scientific name was Sibynophis geminatus. His name in English was collared snake or striped litter snake. It was long that the whole body generally around 50cm, but was also that exceeded 60cm. The head and the body almost were not different, so as his form was similar to the long pencil or the small spear.The characteristics especially are located to the thick necklace was orange in tengkuk,with a pair of yellow tape rather orange brownish that lie alongside on his back (geminatus = teamed up). The colour of the old back of the chocolate rest reddish,with the black line soft interrupted among the colour of chocolate with the yellow tape. The head of young chocolate, with the upper lip was white. The low side of the body (ventral) yellow under the neck,yellow young until white greenness on the side behind; in a very spotty manner black was uniform in the lateral limit. The slice of the coloured eyes yellowish. For that did not know him, this snake was often misled with the chilli snake (Maticora intestinalis) that was venomous,that almost was the same the size. In fact the offal snake apart from being not venomous also domesticated, did not want biting. The dorsal scale (the back) was compiled in 17 rows. The scale ventral totalled 144-180, the anal scale took a short cut, and the scale subkaudal between 73-96 pairs. The scale of the upper lip (supralabial) 8 pairs, that were 3rd until the 5 touched the eyes.
Posted by jenk dy at 9:06 AM 0 comments
The snake jali was a kind of the eater's snake of the greedy mouse,because that was often acknowledged also as the mouse snake. His name in the other language was oray lingas (the Primary School),ula jali, ula co-roses or ula wood (Jw.), and Indo-Chinese rat snake (Ingg.). His scientific name was Ptyas korros. The snake jali spread the area beginning with India, Bangladesh, Tiongkok (including Hainan and Hong Kong),Taiwan, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Semenanjung Malaya, Singapore,Sumatra, Java and Bali; as well as Borneo. The snake jali bertubuh was big enough, through to 2 metre the length.The side on the body (dorsal) was brown young yellowish through to grey blackness.The next part front (anterior) usually was coloured obviously than his tail that blackness.The scales on the tail bertepi black, so as to seem to be lined like used stocking black.The low side of the body (ventral) was yellowish until yellow obviously. His eyes measuring big. His relatives who were similar were Ptyas mucosus; was distinguished from the existence of black stripes on his lip and on the rear body. P. mucosus generally also bertubuh bigger, through to more than 3 m. the length. The snake jali often was met in paddy-fields, the garden and the yard, and especially close to the river bank. Prey especially is the rodent, especially the mouse. However he also did not refuse prey that was other like the lizard and the frog. The snake jali was active in the morning till the afternoon, roamed about looked for prey on the land. He also clever climbing the tree and a mother, although rarely climbing through to high.
Posted by jenk dy at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Likewise the pattern coreng symmetrical blackness on his head, that became the sign of most Oligodon clans. The low side of the white body on the side front (anterior) and reddish until pink under the tail. It was long that the body through to around 70cm. The dorsal scale (the back) was compiled in 17 rows. The scale ventral (the stomach) totalled 155-197, the single anal scale, and the scale subkaudal between 43-61 pairs. The scale of the upper lip (supralabial) 6 pairs, that were 3rd and 4th touched the eyes. Often was met in the forest territory, the garden or the garden, most small snakes were active tonight (nocturnal). We often met him was crossing the warm paved road tonight. The snake birang including domesticated, did not like biting if being caught or held carefully. When being disturbed, he dismissed a kind of smell was not glad from his tail starting point. Occasionally to avoid the disturbance, this snake hid his head under his body that coiled.
The snake birang spread in the Malaya Peninsula, Singapore, Sumatra, Nias, Bangka, Belitung, Kepulauan Riau, Java, Kalimantan (including Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei) and Sulawesi.
The possibility was also received in the Philippines.
Posted by jenk dy at 8:31 AM 0 comments
The snake gadung was a kind of venomous snake weak that was not dangerous from the Colubridae ethnic group.Generally, in the Indonesian territory west this snake was mentioned by the name of the sprout snake. His vernacular names among them oray the sprout (the Primary School.), ula gadung (Jw.), et cetera.In English was known as Oriental whip-snake.Acknowledged as the snake gadung because of this snake appear at first glance resembled the sprout of the crop gadung (Dioscorea hispida) that was green slender.
Posted by jenk dy at 3:45 AM 0 comments
The gecko snake or often also was acknowledged as the house snake was a kind of small snake from the Colubridae ethnic group.
Was named was like this because this snake was often encountered in the house, around the kitchen or almari, to pursue the gecko that became his hobby.
His scientific name was Lycodon capucinus and in English was known as common wolf-snake, referred to teeth that memanjang resembled taring the wolf in the face part of his jaw (the Gerika language: lycos, the wolf; Don, teeth).
Posted by jenk dy at 3:36 AM 0 comments
This snake was grey with the colour of the white spot, and the life in the fresh water or brackish water (the area pertambakan).
Posted by jenk dy at 3:15 AM 0 comments
The snake of rainbow water was a kind of snake from the Colubridae ethnic group, the ethnic group's Homalopsinae child.
This snake was named was like this because colours on his body resembled colour routes to the rainbow, although usually was not so clear.
In English was mentioned by the name of rainbow water-snake.
The public knew him as the water snake, uler aer (Betawi), ulo banyuJawa), et cetera.
While his scientific name was Enhydris enhydris.
Posted by jenk dy at 2:16 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 12:59 AM 0 comments
This snake was the species of the ferocious snake
Posted by jenk dy at 12:35 AM 0 comments
The form of this snake resembled the wood twig whenever his head have the shape of lie alongside as though the leaves.
Posted by jenk dy at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Posted by jenk dy at 12:09 AM 0 comments
This snake occupied the humid plain forests, the garden and agricultural lands. The place that was liked by him was what was have the loose or muddy land, where this snake could infiltrate entered (fossorial) to look for his prey.
Therefore, the snake made the best of both worlds often also was found around the swampy area and rice cultivation, under rotten woods in the forest, over the heap of offal that rotted, or in the river bank. Active tonight (nocturnal), the snake made the best of both worlds it was known preyed on other smaller snakes, the lizard, mammalian babies, and the earthworm.
Posted by jenk dy at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Posted by jenk dy at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
One black line thin went on the head from the snout to tengkuk, resembled the diameter that bisected right left the head symmetrically. And respectively one other thicker black line was in each side of the head, beyond the eyes behind. The dorsal scales (the back) was compiled in 70-80 rows; the scales ventral (the stomach) totalling 297-332, from under the neck as far as the anus; the scale subkaudal (the low side of the tail) 75-102 pairs. The shield rostral (the scale on the end of the snout) and four shields supralabial (the scales on the upper lip) foremost had the hole hollow penghidu the heat (heat the censor pits) that in. Sanca the flower lived in the humid tropical forests. This snake depended on the availability of water, so as often was met was not far from the water body like the river, the pond and the swamp. Food especially is the small mammal, birds and other reptiles like the monitor lizard.
Posted by jenk dy at 10:43 AM 0 comments
His eyes were hidden and only was visible as the dark spot very vague over the scale of his head. Therefore, in English was known as blind snake (the blind snake). The scales that covered the body middle were compiled in 20 rows, very soft and just similar his form in the dorsal part and ventral.
Posted by jenk dy at 7:10 AM 0 comments
This snake was venomous enough.
Usually humankind if being bitten by this snake only could remain for a moment, because could him in in no time spread.
This snake his life in the swamp.
Posted by jenk dy at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
This reptile of its(the name Cicak. In houses many met [by] Cicak creeping roof or house wall. Lizard there is all kinds : house lizard, soil;land;ground lizard and still many again.
Posted by jenk dy at 2:28 AM 0 comments
Gecho is common name to call big lizard. There are some gecho type, but gecho term usually refers to house gecho type.
House gecho is conspecific of reptil is coming into faction of big lizard, tribe Gekkonidae. House gecho has scientific name Gekko gecko. In other language of this animal conceived of téko or tekék ( Javanese), tokék ( Sundanese)
Posted by jenk dy at 2:25 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Crocodile supit equal to water crocodile. Water crocodile is one of ferocious crocodile. Usually life in freshwater lakes.
Posted by jenk dy at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Estuary crocodile or crocodile bekatak ( Crocodylus porosus) be conspecific of crocodile most off all alife in rivers and on the sea near by estuary. Its(the spreading area is detectable in all Indonesia water territory. This species snout enough wides and haves no wide scale at its(the nape. Medium of body length is including tail can be reach 12 metre like the one have ever been found in Sangatta, Kalimantan Timur.
Estuary crocodile known as the biggest crocodile in world, far bigger than Buaya Nil ( Crocodylus niloticus) and Alligator Amerika ( Alligator mississipiensis). Its(the spreading is also " wide" in world; estuary crocodile has region perantauan to start from water territory Teluk Benggala ( Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India) finite of water territory Polinesia ( Archipelago of Fiji and Vanuatu). While favorite habitat for them of course water territory of Indonesia and Australian.
Estuary crocodile can whip out of water to groan its(the prey. Even when depth of water exceeds its(the body length, estuary crocodile can jump and pounces on vertically reachs the same height with its(the body length. Estuary crocodile likes water payau/asin, on that account also Australian nation names it saltwater crocodile ( and the biggest asin)Selain water crocodile is longest, Famous estuary Crocodile also as Jenis crocodile is raised hell in world.
Posted by jenk dy at 9:42 AM 0 comments